Advanced Diagnostics Smart Pro Exchange Trade-Ins Program with 6-month tokens

Advanced Diagnostics / Key Programming Devices
Do you have an old key programmer worth more than $500? Did you know you can trade it in for a new Smart Pro key programmer from Advanced Diagnostics for just $2695? The new one even comes with 6 months of unlimited UTP!
Here's how it works:
- Fill out the Exchange form and send it to your Advanced Diagnostics distributor.
- They'll process your order and ship your new tool within 2-3 business days.
- Wait for them to contact you with instructions on how to send back your old programmer.
- Use a shipping method with tracking, as they're not responsible for lost equipment.
- Once they've shipped your new tool, they'll email you the tracking info.
Just remember not to send back your old equipment until they've contacted you!
Don't miss out on this deal - get a new Smart Pro for $2695 with 6 months of UTP, instead of paying $3250 for the hardware alone with only 1 month included. It's a great deal!